Simple Workout Rules even the Professionals Forget


Contradictory to the popular belief, simply hitting the gym will not help you tone or bulk up instantly. Perseverance and dedication is required to get the desired results from exercise and gyming. In order to get quick workout results, many people make simple mistakes which not only hinder their progress but have an adverse effect on their bodies. Here are a few workout rules that at times even the pros forget.

Warming up Dynamically
It is important to stretch and dynamically move prime muscles in a way that helps reduce injuries. Before you run consider jogging and before you jog consider walking, this will help your body to warm up perfectly. Before you lift weight for squats, try doing it without the load and also use a bench to do step-ups.

Have Different Workout Routines
Just because you like one workout routine and you’re good at it doesn’t mean you need to do it for too long. If you do not have intervals between routines, you may develop workout plateaus and your progress will be seriously hindered.

Focusing on Quality and not Quantity
If you wish to maintain a proper form, you need to ask your gym trainer to assist you with reps. Once you get into a habit of doing it properly, you won’t need your trainer’s assistance. Most trainers will tell you that it’s not the quantity that matters but the way you work out determines the time period for you to see results. A technique employed by some trainers is a descending set– you start heavy and lower the weight as your form declines. This reduces the risk of injury and improves your muscular endurance level.

Progressing slowly and steadily
Your current fitness level should determine the workout program for you. Before you begin training, ask your trainer to assess you. This will help the trainer to recommend an appropriate workout program for you. Following an inappropriate workout program will strain your muscles unnecessarily and will severely hinder your progress. If you want to see results sooner rather than later, seeking advice from your trainer on an appropriate workout program is your best bet.

Not Overtraining
Overtraining manifests itself in a number of nasty ways. It can affect the nervous system, the hormone balance, and even the body’s immunological capabilities. Overtraining may result in any one of the following:

  • Depression Desperation
  • Having trouble concentrating
  • Unwillingness to train
  • Reduced performance
  • Fatigue
  • Changes in appetite
  • Shakiness
  • Excessive perspiration
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness

Recovery from overtraining can take a long time – weeks, or even months. So, it’s very important to identify the problem early on and correct it. Of course, the best course of action is to avoid overtraining before it becomes a problem.

The best way to avoid overtraining is to be sure that you know your body, and understand when continuing further is not possible.

Overtraining most often happens when the training session has been too intense or has gone on for too long.
The body needs time to recover from intense, challenging training sessions, and the more intense the session, the longer the recovery time. If you’re doubtful about the overall condition of your body, you should begin with low-intensity sessions that don’t require a long recovery period. You can move up to more challenging activities as you get to know your capabilities.

Here are some tips:

1. Take it Easy
If you’re not sure about your physical condition, start off your sessions with a jog, or a game of touch football. Monitor your resting heart rate, and take note of any marked increase from the norm – that could be an indication that you have not fully recovered from the activity.

2. Pay Attention
Observe and document your heart rate during certain exercises. Pay attention to intensity and speed, and if you seem to be slowing down while your heart rate increases, slow down, or stop. This could be an indication that you are overtraining.

3. Vary the Routine
Alternate training sessions between hard and easy. In other words, if you’ve been doing a hard activity, change the pace by moving to an easier one. As an example, if you’ve done a hard run, slow down to an easy jog. This lets the body rest between training sessions and prevents overtraining.

If you want to see the desired results sooner rather than later, it is advisable that you follow these simple workout rules by keeping them in mind.