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Explore the Reasons for Breastfeeding Your Newborn

Motherhood is the most beautiful phase in every woman s life. As Debra Gilbert Rosenberg said, New mothers enter the world of parenting feeling much like Alice in Wonderland , and that is why, they are always inquisitive about the development of their newborn. […]

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Timing Your Nutrition for Optimal Results

With so many studies giving us different formulas of what we should be eating to achieve fat loss, improve muscle performance, and strive for optimal health, we wind up feeling confused and even disappointed when we don’t get the results we were promised. However, maybe the reason people are getting […]

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Is milk good for you?

The down-sides of dairy explained! I often get asked what my thoughts are on dairy. Much information points towards the benefits of milk: protein, calcium, and probiotics in yogurt. But while milk has benefits, the bad heavily outweighs the good! I will systematically break down the down-sides of dairy and explain components […]