A successful launch to your BHAG



For those who don’t know, a BHAG is a Big Hairy Audacious Goal.

The term was brought to existence by Jim Collins, author of “Built to Last”. The BHAG is the Grand Vision—very ambitious and possibly questionable, but something you absolutely must march towards to find fulfillment.

The most common mistake when setting out on achieving goals is getting started immediately on a goal that is poorly defined.
The result is what a lot of people see or experience often: smoke and rubber; a hard start with lots of noise, followed by flames; in other words an early failure with little to no progress.

To correct this, we must first understand the importance of having a clearly defined BHAG.

For the sake of clarity, only a vision that is internally clear in its inspiration, planning, concept and emotion, can withstand the adversity you will inevitably face surviving all stages of growth as your vision manifests itself into reality.

A large number of people set out to complete their goals once they feel the inspiration to do so.
A greater number of people are educated on the principles of setting smart goals or creating a plan and practical steps, but few people truly layer their plan into milestones, monthly focus goals and the daily shift in choices that directly impact the progress from the ground up.

Few people give their goals the conceptual flexibility necessary for the plan to survive the inevitable pressures they will face; even fewer will take the time to actively visualize and foreshadow the outworking and completion of their goal in a powerful way.
Only when each step is heeded does the goal itself have a good chance at withstanding the internal and external forces you are bound to face once you reveal your plan to the world.

The principles that guide us to success are the same; Whether seeking better health and fitness, deepening our relationships, or building a social enterprise.

The next article will outline the four steps of Inspiration, Planning, Conceptualization, and Emoting, which will lay a strong foundation for starting and sustaining effective action towards your desires.