Weight loss is a very difficult task for many people who wish to lose weight. By the time people decide that they need to lose weight, they are already so big and addicted to certain habits that it can prove to be quite difficult to let go of. Most people look for weight loss programs that promise to deliver magical results instantly.
The ideal healthiest weight loss rate should be between two to three pounds per week. Forget about those programs that promise to help you shed up to 20 pounds in a week. As a matter of fact, clinical studies have shown that it is not appropriate to lose weight in a faster rate than the recommended 2/3 pounds per week. Shedding more could have some harmful health effects on your body’s systems.
Precautions when losing weight
The body is designed in such a way that the organs respond in certain ways to different activities in the body. The body was not designed to accommodate fast weight loss. All your systems work hard to ensure that your organs are functioning as required. The body needs to be protected and therefore rapid changes could be harmful to it.
In any case, it is believed that those who lose excess weight rapidly regain it in the same manner as soon as they stop dieting. Losing 2-3 pounds in a week is more rewarding and the results last much longer. Imagine losing about 8 pounds in a month. That is a significant stride in weight loss.
- When dieting you must KEEP Eating: but less! Do not stop eating to lose weight. If your metabolism thinks you cannot eat because of a shortage of food it will slow to a snail’s pace and accumulate fat.
- Make sure you eat for your body try and eat as many different foods when dieting so you get enough nutrition from your food But obviously eat less overall
Calories in your body
One pound of fat is equivalent to 3500 calories. Most people are told that if they want to lose weight in an ideal manner, they should target to burn at least 500 calories per day. If you work this backward, you will realize that if you burn 500 calories every day for a week you will have burned at least 3500 calories in a week.
This means that you are losing one pound in a week without straining the body. Since we have already established that the ideal rate to lose weight is 2-3 pounds per week, if you work on burning 500 calories daily, you will be within the expected margin of weight loss.
Balance your body activities
Do not just cut off all the foods that you were eating. Start by making some minor adjustments in your eating habits while exercising to burn off the calories. This will keep you to getting in shape without exposing your body to any health risks whatsoever.